Sexually Transmitted Infection Biospecimens

A2K Biobank is a leading provider of biospecimens for infectious disease research. We offer a comprehensive collection of well-characterized STI whole urine samples, ideal for developing and validating diagnostic tests for a wide range of STI's. (All samples have been characterized utilizing molecular diagnostic methods).

  • Bacteria

    Mycoplasma genitalium
    Neisseria gonorrhoeae
    Chlamydia trachomatis

  • Parasitic

    Trichomonas vaginalis
  • Sample Type

    • Whole Urine (No preservative)
    • Urine Swab (Preservative)
  • Volume

    • 0.5mL-1.0mL
  • Included Information

    • Demographic Information
    • Result
    • Instrument/Methodology
    • CT-Value
  • Storage & Shipping

    • Storage: -80
    • Shipping: Refrigerated or Dry Ice

Contact us today to discuss your specific needs and request a quote

More Information

A2K leverages access to partner laboratories and clinical sites to provide low-cost, remnant samples. These specimens are utilized under a waiver of consent provision, with de identified data – and can be used to generate preliminary data for IVD Development submissions and more. All biospecimens have been tested in CLIA/CAP or CLIA/COLA accredited laboratories utilizing molecular diagnostics.